Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some issues with ASS 3

Overall, I had some issues with hosting my website so I had to hand it in by emustore instead. I also didn;t create a half decent webpage because I didn't have enough time but I managed to put some useful info such as logo, about my theme and other research.

Final Work for ASS 3

What I want to focus on for my posters and webpage is basically how Jorn Utzon taken on board the Silkebourg Museum's materiality from cave temples. The purpose of this discovery is to determine how the structure was constructed and the typical materiality found in a cave temple.

Final Model

Final Poster Designs

Final 10 Textures

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Practice PDF Files

Interactive Tutorial Practice PDF;12169812;/fileinfo.html

Example PDF, My A1 Test;12169814;/fileinfo.html

Tutor's Feedback and Progress

After the last Digital Rep Studio class, I asked Matt Day where I can improve and he said consistant flow with work as well as less is more. What does "less is more" mean to me? well basically I was doing heaps load of work for ASS 2 and I messed this assignment a bit because I was adding too much information and making the website complex, so these are the lessons I had to learn the hard way. Matt Day was not convinced with the first page because he thinks it looks like I was doing some advertising material, so therefore I need to fix the layout a bit. 

So far, Windows Vista is not working on my new laptop so I have to use my old DELL computer while I do my modelling using this lousy keypad. I hope to fix this computer problem tomorrow. I decided to catch up with the tutorials however they were some difficulties I have to come across with creating interactive PDFs.